Brand Partnerships

Tapping into new audiences

Building and developing meaningful, effective partnerships with other wellness organisations, brands and experts is one of our core strengths. Teaming up with like-minded businesses and individuals is a powerful tool for expanding your network and outreach, a chance to tap into the partner’s audience and tell them your story.

It’s one of the most effective ways to naturally and organically grow your social media outreach and expand your network of influence to the people who might potentially become your loyal customers.

Unique network of partner brands

Over the years we have built our own unique database of top holistic businesses, organisations and experts. These are strong players in the wellness market that stand out and appeal to a large group of followers.

We have strong working relationships with these brands and individuals and can utilize them to create partnerships on your behalf.


Valuable partnerships

Health conscious businesses are eager to build long lasting, trustworthy, mutually beneficial relationships with influencers and key opinion leaders in the field of holistic health and wellbeing. This partnership helps the brands achieve valuable endorsement and reach out to the target audiences via the influencers’ network. As a result, the business can achieve more visibility and gain access to new potential clients.

We develop creative and effective strategies for partnerships with wellbeing influencers that will bring added value to your business.

Unique network of influencers

Thanks to our experience in the UK wellness market we have developed a unique, one of a kind database of key wellness influencers who have a proven track record in their chosen field of holistic health and developed a large network of followers, both online and offline. These are trusted opinion leaders in their fields who also have high social media ranking and are recognised as influencers on the wellbeing scene in the UK.

For each client we develop a unique strategy and creative PR ideas which includes:

  • Selecting the right influencer(s) for your business
  • Coming up with different, creative ideas for the partnership
  • Developing a strategy and a plan of action
  • Implementing the campaign

A typical wellness influencer outreach campaign may involve:

  • Testing specific wellness products/ experiences and gathering detailed feedback from the influencer(s)
  • Endorsement of your brand
  • Joint project collaborations
  • Surveys and Giveaways
  • Audience interactions
  • Offline events
  • Brand ambassadorships


For each client we develop a unique strategy and creative PR ideas which includes:

  • Selecting the right partner(s) for your business
  • Coming up with different, creative ideas for the partnership
  • Developing a strategy and a plan of action
  • Creating content for joint campaigns
  • Implementing the campaigns

A typical brand partnership campaign may involve:

  • Sourcing free samples from the partners for your wellbeing event (goodie bags)
  • Generating content for the partners’ social media channels that they would post and promote
  • Running joint giveaways, competitions and promotions that are promoted by the partner
  • Being featured in partners’ newsletters and internal communications
  • Leading live sessions on partners’ social media channels
  • Speaking at partners’ events or running joint events

Example of a brand partnership campaign 

Client: Louise Murray, an integrated health & mindfulness coach (@live_well_with_lou/)

Louise Murray is an Integrated Health Coach with the qualification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and a Mindfulness Coach. She looks at nourishing people ON and OFF the plate by coaching them with nutrition advice as well as coaching around 12 different aspects of one’s life to take a truly holistic approach to wellness.

Through her work Louise discovered that its busy working women, and busy mums in particular, who often put their own needs last after family and career, benefit from her support the most.

Objectives: create and implement partnerships with a range of brands from such market segments as: health&wellbeing; mental health; mother&baby, in order to grow online outreach

Results: in the first three months of the campaign over 20 partnerships have been secured with such brands as Asquith, Piccolo, Squirrel Sisters, Naturya, Aduna, Press London, Baby2body and many others

Louise’s social media follower network grew by 50.



  • A set of potential partners has been identified and a special pitch drafted to be sent out to the partners
  • Segments covered included: healthy nutrition; mother&baby products (skincare and food & drink); wellness apps; fitness apparel; wellbeing apps
  • Various collaboration options have been offered to potential partners, focusing on Louise’s expertise in her area; creating health-related content for their social channels (with food & drink partners this often included creating unique recipes using their products); running joint competitions; live and recorded videos for their IGTV; creating articles for their blogs and newsletters
  • In all the communications, Louise’s website and social media channels have been included / tagged, or posts re-published to drive traffic back to Louise’s channels